WizTree Guides

How to use some of WizTree’s advanced features

Advanced File Search

Lorem ipsum doaWizTree offers extensive file search features, enabling users to locate files based on name, size, and date. To initiate a search, conduct a scan of a drive or folder, then navigate to the “File View” tab. Input your search criteria into the “File Search Filter”. By default, WizTree displays the first 1000 matching results, but you can adjust this by modifying the “Max files to display” setting. However, it’s worth noting that displaying “ALL” files may lead to slower performance, especially with a substantial number of files.lor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.


Utilize the * (asterisk) to match one or more characters and the ? (question mark) to match any single character. For instance, to locate all files starting with “da”, input:

For files commencing with “a” and having “d” as the third letter, type:

To discover files with a specific extension, such as mp3 files:

Multiple Search Items (AND/OR)

To conduct effective searches in WizTree, follow these guidelines:

Using Spaces for “AND” Operator

Separate multiple search terms with a space. For example, to find “.mp3” files containing the word “dance”, input:
*.mp3 dance

Quoting Search Terms with Spaces

If a search term contains a space, enclose it in double quotes. For instance:
*.mp3 “dance hits”

Utilizing “OR” Operator with Vertical Pipe (|)

To search for multiple file types or terms, use the vertical pipe symbol (|) as an “OR” operator. For example, to find all .mp3 and .wav files, input:

Combining “AND” and “OR” Operators

You can combine “AND” and “OR” operators for more complex searches. For instance, to find .mp3 and .wav files containing the word “dance”:
.mp3|.wav dance

Ensure there are no spaces between the vertical pipe character and the search terms for accurate results. These techniques will enhance your file search capabilities in WizTree.

Searching by File Size and Date

o filter files based on size or modified date in WizTree, use the following operators:

Size Filtering

  • Use “=”, “>”, “>=”, “<“, “<=” to specify size.
  • Append ‘k’, ‘m’, ‘g’, or ‘t’ for Kb, Mb, Gb, Tb respectively.
  • Example: To find files less than 100 bytes: <100
  • To find files between 500MB and 1GB: >=500mb <=1gb

Allocated Size Filtering

  • Use “a=”, “a>”, etc. to filter by allocated size.
  • Example: To find files with allocated size between 100MB and 200MB: a>=100m a<=200m
  • To find files with 0 allocated size and greater than zero file size: a=0 >0

Date Filtering

  • Specify dates in yyyy/mm/dd format.
  • Use “today” to reference today’s date, optionally adding or subtracting days.
  • Example: To find files modified before 2020/01/01: <2020/01/01
  • ]To find files modified in the last 7 days: >=today-7
  • To find files modified in the last month (>1GB): >=1gb >=today-30

Forcing File Name Search

  • Place search items in quotes to force a file name search.
  • Example: To find file names containing “=0” instead of displaying files with zero size: “=0”
  • Ensure there are no spaces between operators and values for accurate filtering. These methods will help you effectively filter files based on size, allocated size, and modified date in WizTree.

Searching by File Name Length and File Path Length

To search for files based on name or path length in WizTree, use the following search terms and operators:

Name Length

  • Use “namelen” along with “=”, “>”, “>=”, “<“, “<=” to specify name length.
  • Example: To find files with a file name of 1 character: namelen=1

Path Length

  • Use “pathlen” along with “=”, “>”, “>=”, “<“, “<=” to specify path length (includes filename).
  • Example: To find files with path length larger than 200: pathlen>200
  • To find files with path length between 100 and 180: pathlen>=100 pathlen<=180

NOT Operator

  • Start the search expression with an exclamation mark (!) to find files that don’t match the expression.
  • Example: To find files that don’t contain “windows”: !windows
  • To find all files that contain “music” but are not of type mp3: music !*.mp3
  • To find files between 1 and 100 bytes in size, but not 50: >=1 <=100 !=50
    If using quotes, put the exclamation mark before the quotes: !”dance music”
    Ensure there are no spaces between operators and values for accurate filtering. These methods will help you effectively search for files based on name or path length in WizTree.


Searching for Files or Folders only

To filter search results in WizTree:

Displaying Folders or Files

  • To display only folders: =folder
  • To display only files: =file
  • Regular Expression Search (regex):
  • WizTree 4.13 and later support regular expression search.
  • Type a forward slash (/) followed directly by the regular expression.
  • Example: /[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}.csv$
    If the regex contains spaces, enclose it in double quotes: /”[0-9]{4} [0-9]{2} [0-9]{2}.csv$”

Match File Name Only

If selected, the search applies only to the file name, excluding the path.

Match Entire Path

  • If selected, the search applies to the entire path.
  • If the search term contains a “” (backslash), the search is performed on the entire path regardless of the current “match” setting.
    Utilize these options to refine your search criteria in WizTree effectively.

Exporting WizTree File Data to CSV File

To export files and/or folders to a CSV file in WizTree:

Press Ctrl+Alt+E or right-click on a file/folder and select “Export to CSV file…”.

The selected files and/or folders will be exported to a comma-separated value file (.CSV format). The exported information depends on the active view (Tree View or File View). If no files or folders are selected, then ALL files and folders will be exported.


  • File Name
  • Size
  • Allocated
  • Modified
  • Attributes
  • Files
  • Folders

For folders

  • The file name ends with a “”, e.g., “C:\Windows”.
  • Size and Allocated fields represent the total size of all files and folders within that folder.

For files

  • Size and Allocated fields are for that individual file only.
  • The “Allocated” value is prefixed by a leading 0 if the file is a “hard link”, indicating it does not occupy additional space on the hard drive.
  • Modified date format: “yyyy/mm/dd HH:mm:ss”.


Stored as a value and is a combination of the following values added together:
1 = Read Only (R)
2 = Hidden (H)
4 = System (S)
32 = Archive (A)
2048 = Compressed (C)
Example: If a file is Read Only and Hidden, its attribute value will be 3 (1 + 2).

Files and Folders values

Apply only to folders and show the total number of files and folders within that folder.

Exporting WizTree File Data to CSV File

Press Ctrl+Alt+C or right click on a file/folder and select “Copy file and size info to clipboard”. File size and name information will be copied to the clipboard in a human friendly format, suitable for pasting into emails, support forum posts, or text documents. The files will be indented to match the current tree structure, and only currently visible files within the selection will be included.

For example, if you expand the “C:\Users” folder within the tree by clicking on the “+” next to it, and then right click on it and select “Copy file and size info to clipboard”, you will get something like this copied to the clipboard:

64.82 GB C:\Users
59.15 GB C:\Users\Bob
5.62 GB C:\Users\Public
19.99 MB C:\Users\UpdatusUser
15.75 MB C:\Users\Mcx1
11.07 MB C:\Users\DefaultAppPool
2.70 MB C:\Users\Default
174 Bytes desktop.ini
0 C:\Users\Default.migrated
0 C:\Users\Default User
0 C:\Users\All Users

If this function is used on the “File View” then file and size information for the currently selected files will be copied to the clipboard, in a format similar to the following:

6.75 GB C:\pagefile.sys
3.81 GB C:\System Volume Information\{579260ea-c771-11e7-9c10-b4749f719216}
3.21 GB C:\Users\Bob\VirtualBox VMs\XP\Snapshots\{086cc618-9a46-438b-acf1-d90f001990b7}.vdi
2.93 GB C:\hiberfil.sys
2.23 GB C:\$RECYCLE.BIN\S-1-5-21-4195858667-1952806270-3254110446-1001\$RYF1ZAO.vdi

Command Line CSV Export

Starting from WizTree 3.18, you can now export file data to a CSV file automatically using the command line. For 32-bit Windows, employ “wiztree.exe” followed by the drive or folder path, and specify the export filename along with optional parameters such as filtering options and sorting preferences. Likewise, for 64-bit Windows, use “wiztree64.exe” with the same syntax. Note that the 32-bit version will automatically launch the 64-bit version if running on a 64-bit system. Customize the export filename using %d for the current date in YYYYMMDD format and %t for the time in HHMMSS format. Utilize filtering options to export specific file types while excluding others. Control whether filtering considers the full path or just the file name with the /filterfullpath option, available in WizTree 4.13 or later. Set administrative mode using the /admin flag, especially for fast MFT file scanning. Fine-tune export settings with parameters like /exportfolders and /exportfiles to include or exclude folders and files. Choose sorting preferences using the /sortby option, and include MFT record numbers for NTFS drives with the exportmftrecno parameter, useful as unique file identifiers.

Use Quotes when setting filters containing spaces via command line

Starting from WizTree version 4.11, command line parameters for /filter and /filterexclude now support literal double quotes, particularly useful for paths containing spaces to avoid misinterpretation of spaces as “AND” operators. Represent the double quote with a single quote character. For instance, ‘WizTree64.exe /filter=”‘C:\Program Files’|’C:\Program Files (x86)'”‘. This configuration sets the “include filter” to “C:\Program Files” OR “C:\Program Files (x86)”. Ensure that two single quotes are treated as one literal single quote. Without quotes, filtering might not function as intended. Previously, spaces were replaced with wildcard question marks to circumvent this issue. Advanced export options include /exportalldates=1, /exportallsizes=1, /exportsplitfilename=1, /exportdrivecapacity=1, /exportpercentofparent=1, and /exportmaxdepth=n. To export file types, utilize /exportfiletypes=”filename” alongside other parameters like /filter and /filterexclude. Sorting options for file types include 0 for sorting by file name, 1 for sorting by file size (desc), file name (default), and 2 for sorting by allocated size (desc), file name. Examples illustrate various export scenarios, including exporting specific file types or filtering by keyword. When calling wiztree.exe from a batch file script, ensure synchronization using start /wait wiztree.exe for 32-bit Windows or start /wait wiztree64.exe for 64-bit Windows.

Command Line Treemap Image Export

Specify the image file name using /treemapimagefile=<png image file name>, incorporating %d and %t for the current date and time in the file name. Adjust image dimensions with /treemapimagewidth=<image width (numeric)> and /treemapimageheight=<image height (numeric)>. Enable grayscale export with /treemapimagegray=0|1. Control display options with /treemapimagefreespace=0|1 to show free space on the tree map and /treemapimageshowallocated=0|1 to show allocated space (defaults to file size if omitted). For instance, export the entire C: drive to an image file sized 1024×768, using allocated space and excluding free space:
WizTree64.exe C: /treemapimagefile=”C:\temp\cdriveimage_%d.png” /treemapimagewidth=1024 /treemapimageheight=768 /treemapimagefreespace=0 /treemapimageshowallocated=1
Combine image file export with CSV data export:
WizTree64.exe C: /export=”C:\temp\cdrive_%d_%t.csv” /treemapimagefile=”C:\temp\cdrive_%d_%t.png” /treemapimagewidth=1024 /treemapimageheight=768 /treemapimagefreespace=0 /treemapimageshowallocated=1

Introducing Command Line MFT Dump

From WizTree version 3.22 onwards, you can dump the MFT file via command line. For 32-bit Windows, use wiztree.exe “drive” /dumpmftfile=”filename”, and for 64-bit Windows, employ wiztree64.exe “drive” /dumpmftfile=”filename”. Note that the 32-bit version automatically launches wiztree64.exe with the same parameters on 64-bit Windows systems. Utilize %d and %t in the filename for the current system date and time in YYYYMMDD and HHMMSS format. For example, to dump the MFT file for drive D:
wiztree.exe “D:” /dumpmftfile=”c:\mftdumps\ddrive%d%t.MFT”

Command Line Treemap Image Export

Starting from WizTree version 4.05, the installer now supports the following command line parameters:

Set the supporter code license during installation:

Adjust the “always run as admin” setting:

Configure the “check for updates” setting:

Example usage:
wiztree_x_xx_setup.exe /supportercode=1234-5678-abcd-1234 /runasadmin=false /checkforupdates=false

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