Acquire a WizTree Supporter Code License.

Commercial use of WizTree is permitted, or you can aid in its development by acquiring a supporter code license. This code allows you to remove the “Donate” button from WizTree.

License pricing is determined by the total number of staff within your organization, irrespective of the number utilizing WizTree. Larger organizations are expected to contribute more. Each location (site) where the software is utilized requires a separate license.

For organizations with over 100 staff at a single location, an Enterprise License is recommended.
For organizations with over 100 staff across multiple locations, an Enterprise Multi Site License is recommended.

If uncertain about the appropriate license, please contact us for assistance or a customized quote.

Non-profit organizations, including schools, universities, charities, and government agencies, are eligible for discounts.


If you’re a software developer looking to integrate WizTree with your application, consider purchasing a WizTree Distribution License subscription.

For customers within the EU or New Zealand, sales tax will be applied automatically. If your organization is registered for GST/VAT in the EU or New Zealand, please reach out to us for a customized quote. Kindly include your organization’s address and tax registration number in your message.

Select License Type
Antibody Software Limited

EU VAT ID: EU372046712 144 Doncaster Drive, Papamoa Beach, Tauranga, 3118, New Zealand

Choose the appropriate license type and provide your email address and business name. If paying via PayPal, you can leave these fields blank, as your PayPal details will be linked to the supporter code. However, if paying via Stripe or AliPay, please ensure to provide the required information. Proceed by clicking on either the “PAY WITH PAYPAL”, “PAY WITH STRIPE”, or “PAY WITH ALIPAY” buttons to purchase a supporter code. Upon completion of the transaction, your supporter code will be sent to your email address.

Your supporter code will be accessible immediately after the transaction. To view it, select PayPal’s ‘Return to Antibody Software’ link (if paying with PayPal) or wait for Stripe or AliPay to redirect you back to our site.

To activate your supporter code, launch WizTree, press F12, and input the code.

For further assistance, refer to the supporter code FAQ.

Licensing is determined by the size of your business, measured by the number of staff. Each business site (physical location) requires its own supporter code (license). If your business operates across multiple sites, additional licenses are necessary for each one. A supporter code grants access to WizTree on all staff devices at the site.

Staff members providing tech support outside of your business may install the “free” (unregistered) version of WizTree on client devices if needed.

Supporter codes are valid for all future WizTree versions released within one year from the purchase date, offering free upgrades during this period. They do not expire, allowing perpetual use on any version released within the first year. However, to continue receiving upgrades beyond this timeframe, a new supporter code will be required.

Enterprise license holders receive priority support.

Antibody Software does not have access to your credit card details; payments are processed securely by PayPal.

Your purchase of a supporter code contributes to the ongoing improvement and expansion of WizTree’s capabilities. We value and appreciate your support!

Each version of WizTree is associated with a “version date,” indicating its official release date, visible on the WizTree “About” tab. Your supporter code remains valid for all versions released within one year of your purchase date. The “final” valid version date, displayed in the top right corner of WizTree and on the “about” tab, determines the versions covered by your supporter code.

To upgrade WizTree, download the latest version and install it over your existing one. Your supporter code license information will be retained.

If you install a version with a release date exceeding one year from your purchase date, your supporter code will not apply. In such cases, you can either revert to an earlier version or acquire a new supporter code.

Got it. So, the supporter code for WizTree remains valid for all versions released within one year of the date of purchase. The final valid version is determined by the version date displayed in the top right corner of WizTree and on the “About” tab. If a version is released after this final valid version date, the supporter code won’t be valid for that version, and users would need to either stick with an earlier version or purchase a new supporter code.

That sounds straightforward. Upgrading WizTree involves downloading the latest version and installing it over the existing one. The process should preserve your supporter code license information, so you won’t need to re-enter it or worry about losing access to features.

Exactly, if you install a version of WizTree with a version date that falls outside the one-year window from your purchase date, your supporter code won’t be valid for that version. In such a scenario, you have the option to either stick with an earlier version that falls within the valid period or purchase a new supporter code to access the features of the newer version.


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