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Updates / Upgrades

To update your current WizTree version, download and run the installer from the top of this page. No need to uninstall the older version beforehand. For portable users, download the portable zip file and unzip it over your existing WizTree files.

WizTree 4.19 (5 March 2024)

WizTree now offers the ability to find duplicate files based on Name and Size, or Name, Size, and Date. It treats file names automatically renamed by Windows as equivalent, such as “NAME.EXT,” “NAME (1).EXT,” “NAME (2).EXT,” “NAME – COPY.EXT,” and “NAME – COPY (1).EXT.” Please note that WizTree does not currently compare file contents, so exercise caution before deleting files that may not be true duplicates.

To find duplicates, navigate to “File View” and choose the duplicate detection method from the “Duplicate Files” drop-down menu. Any duplicates found during scanning will be marked with a “+” symbol beside the file name. Click on the plus sign to expand the list of duplicate files, which will be shown beneath the original file.

Once duplicates are identified, new columns labeled “Dup Count” (indicating the number of duplicates for each file) and “Dup Size” (representing the total size of all other duplicate files) will be visible. These columns allow for easy sorting to quickly locate duplicates. Simply click on the column headers to sort the list based on these criteria. To streamline the display and focus solely on files with duplicates, check the “Duplicates only” checkbox.

  • In the “File View,” a new standalone “File Name” column now exclusively displays filenames, excluding the path.
  • An issue has been resolved where the File View might not have displayed all relevant files unless “max files” was set to “ALL” and sorting was by size.
  • File View sorting processes have been significantly accelerated for enhanced efficiency.
  • Regular expression filters will no longer erroneously apply to the “entire path” when “name only” matching is selected, particularly if the regex contains a backslash.
  • Themes will now automatically deactivate when WizTree runs as the local system account (“SYSTEM”), addressing display issues that arose when utilizing remote access tools like ScreenConnect.
  • Stability enhancements have been implemented for scanning network folders and drives, ensuring smoother operations.

WizTree 4.18 (2 February 2024)

  • The “Include” filter is now deferred until after scanning to prevent incorrect filtering of files and folders during the process. Only the “Exclude” filter is applied during scanning.
  • Enhanced processing of the “=folder” filter enables the location of folders based on specific size criteria. For instance, using a filter like “=folder >1g” now identifies folders larger than 1 Gigabyte.
  • Resolved a bug in allocated size filtering where file size was incorrectly used instead of allocated size. For instance, “a>100m” now correctly filters files by allocated size larger than 100 Megabytes.
  • Operations such as Copy, Cut, and Delete now function correctly when multiple files from different folders are selected. Previously, they only worked when all files were in the same folder.
  • The progress bar has been refined for smoother performance.
  • Addressed an issue where progress was not displayed when loading CSV files, ensuring accurate progress updates on the screen.

WizTree 4.17 (22 January 2024)

“While scanning non-NTFS drives such as folders, network shares, and mobile phones, both “Include” and “Exclude” filters are now applied. This optimization can significantly accelerate scans by preventing certain folders from being scanned altogether, thus reducing memory usage. This feature also extends to exports via the command line.

To toggle filters on or off, simply click on the filter button located under the Scan button, or navigate to Options -> Filter Scan Results (Ctrl+Shift+F).

For instance, if you’re using a Synology NAS, you can instruct WizTree to disregard snapshot and recycle folders by configuring the “exclude filter” as follows: #snapshot|#recycle|@recycle before initiating a scan. Note that there should be no spaces between the vertical pipes (interpreted as “OR”), and spaces are interpreted as “AND.” The provided example will exclude any file or folder name containing “#snapshot,” “#recycle,” or “@recycle”.”

For instance, to exclude the “C:\Windows\WinSxS” and “C:\Program Files” folders from scanning, configure the exclude filter as follows: C:\Windows\WinSxS|”C:\Program Files”. Please note that double quotes are necessary around filter items containing spaces.

  • Resolved the issue where exploring a folder containing an executable with the same name as the folder would launch the executable instead of opening the folder.
  • WizTree now automatically removes any spaces between vertical pipes in filter and search fields to ensure they function correctly.
  • Updated Slovak, Turkish, and Swedish translations for enhanced language support.

WizTree 4.16 (13 November 2023)

  • Drag and drop functionality can now be easily enabled or disabled based on user preference.
  • Option to enable or disable opening files on double-click has been added for enhanced customization.
  • Users can now choose to enable or disable file system monitoring, which affects WizTree’s ability to detect deleted files and folders.
  • The display of the maximum modified date can toggle between showing the maximum date of all subfolders and files or the last modified date of the folder itself.
  • Users have the option to enable or disable the WizTree classic theme. Some users report that enabling the classic theme enhances the UI’s responsiveness.
  • Horizontal lines in the grid view can be enabled or disabled as per user preference.
  • Users can choose to enable or disable alternate row colors for grids.
  • The option to enable or disable gradient colors in the treemap has been added.
  • Users can specify the number of decimal places as needed for precision.
  • When selecting files, the total allocated size of the selected items is now displayed alongside the total file size for improved clarity.


  • The sorted column will now be highlighted, enhancing visibility and usability.


  • Addressed a rare issue where WizTree would occasionally inaccurately flag files as deleted when scanning very large drives.


  • Refined the appearance of file and folder icons in tree and file views to ensure they look better when scaled.


  • Fixed an issue where Unicode characters were not being correctly saved to the search and filter drop-down history.


  • Emojis are now displayed correctly in file search and filter fields, resolving a previous display issue.


  • Mobile phone scanning code has been optimized to be more robust. It should now successfully scan phones that previously failed to scan.

WizTree 4.15 (14 August 2023)

  • The UI has been adjusted to resemble the Windows 11 style, offering a more modern look and feel.
  • WizTree now supports exporting/importing “.tsv” (tab-separated values) files. Simply set the file name extension to “.tsv” when saving to enable this feature; otherwise, it will use a comma to separate the values.
  • Fixed an issue where some UI elements appeared slightly blurry on high DPI screens, ensuring a clearer display.
  • Deleted files will now be highlighted with a red outline in the treemap as soon as they are detected, aiding in their identification.
  • Addressed a treemap hover glitch that could occur in certain situations when deleting files, ensuring a smoother user experience.
  • Various translations have been updated for improved language support and accuracy.

WizTree (6 June 2023)

Apologies for any inconvenience caused. A row height scaling issue with high DPI screens has been addressed and fixed. If you downloaded version 4.14 (released on 5 June 2023), please download it again and reinstall to ensure the issue is resolved.

WizTree 4.14 (5 June 2023)

  • Addressed a rare bug that could prevent WizTree from detecting some folders due to unusual MFT record ordering when parsing the MFT file.
  • Users can now adjust the text size in Tree, File, and Extension views by using Ctrl+MouseWheel to increase or decrease the size.
  • When importing CSV files, WizTree will now display the line number containing invalid data that caused the import to fail, aiding users in troubleshooting.
  • Introduced a new “Reset Configuration to Default Values” function in the File menu, which restores all settings (except licensing info) to default values. Useful for resolving any issues like abnormal column widths or font sizes.
  • By default, WizTree will now display the maximum “last modified date” for all files and folders within a folder instead of the standard Windows last modified date. To disable this, users can edit the
  • WizTree3.ini file and change the setting “ShowMaxModifiedDate=0”.
  • WizTree will now default to sorting by “Allocated” space instead of “Size” as it better reflects the actual space used by files. Allocated space will also be displayed on the
  • Treemap by default. These changes apply to new installations or when resetting the configuration.
  • The installer has been updated to use the correct configuration file location when installed to a non-“Program Files” location. This ensures that configuration parameters are applied correctly, especially for Enterprise users running automated installs as the “SYSTEM” user.
  • The installer will now update the registry to make mapped network drives created by non-elevated processes visible to elevated processes like
  • WizTree, improving accessibility. Note that a restart may be required for this change to take effect if not already enabled.

WizTree 4.13 (15 March 2023)

  • Regular Expression search functionality has been implemented. To perform a regex search, type a forward slash followed immediately by the regex pattern. For example: /[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9].csv$. If the regex contains spaces, enclose it in double quotes.
  • Regular expression searches can be utilized for file search and include/exclude filters.
  • A search history dropdown has been added to File Search and Include/Exclude filters for improved usability.
    Include/Exclude Filters can now be applied to the entire path (default) or file name only.
  • A new command line parameter /filterfullpath=[0|1] has been added to control whether filters are applied to the full path or file name only. The default is the full path.
  • Support for DrivePool, Storage Spaces, and similar “virtual” drives has been added, addressing previous issues where WizTree would crash or stop working when scanning these types of drives.
  • Fixed an issue where importing a CSV file would display incorrect file dates/times due to a timezone adjustment error.
  • Resolved a possible “Access Violation” error on startup when scanning for devices such as mobile phones.
  • Default sorting can now be set via the command line using /sortby=sortoption, where sortoption can be:
    1 = sort by file size (descending), file name
    2 = sort by allocated size (descending), file name
    3 = sort by modified date (descending)
  • Percent of Drive calculations (File View) are now accurate even when multiple drives are selected.
  • WizTree will now remember if tree and file view data is being sorted by size or allocated and will use the same sort order when restarted.
  • Added a new Indonesian translation (thanks to Marcellinus Ferdinand Sucia).

WizTree 4.12 (1 December 2022)

  • Addressed an issue with file size filters (e.g., >1g) not handling folders correctly, ensuring accurate filtering.
  • Resolved a file filter bug that could cause matching files not to appear in certain cases, ensuring consistent results.
  • Added a new Czech translation (thanks to Masterix) for expanded language support.

WizTree 4.11 (26 October 2022)

Corrected an issue where the “Today” file search filter (=today) was not functioning correctly in certain time zones, ensuring accurate search results.
Command line parameters for /filter and /filterexclude now support literal double quotes, which is particularly useful for filtering paths containing spaces. To represent the double quote, use a single quote character within the command. For example:

  • This command would set the “include filter” to “C:\Program Files”|”C:\Program Files (x86)”. Two single quotes in a row will be treated as one literal single quote.
  • Resolved a crash issue in WizTree 4.09/4.10 that occurred when running as the “SYSTEM” user (“NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM”) due to conflicts with the newly added drag/drop functionality.
  • Fixed some cosmetic issues with the Italian translation for improved visual consistency.

WizTree 4.10 (29 August 2022)

  • Resolved an issue where the Treemap would not render correctly when the “show free space” option was not selected in certain cases, such as with mapped Google Drives or when scanning a mobile phone.
  • Users can now disable the drag/drop and double-click to open functionality added in version 4.09. To do this, close WizTree and edit the
  • WizTree3.ini file, changing the following settings in the [frmWizTreeMain] section:
  • Fixed a rare command line export error that occurred when using the “/exportalldates” parameter.
  • Resolved an error that would occur when using the “save Treemap as PNG file” option with multiple selections and “show free space” enabled.
  • Updated Korean, Serbian, and Polish translations for improved accuracy and consistency.

WizTree 4.09 (15 August 2022)

  • Disk free space on the Treemap will now be displayed separately for each selection when using the “select multiple” option, providing clearer visibility.
  • Export functions have been updated to consistently format floating-point values (like percentages) using a period as the decimal separator. This ensures compatibility when importing data into other applications, especially spreadsheets.
  • Double-clicking a file or folder in the tree or file view will now automatically open it, streamlining navigation.
  • Files/folders can now be dragged out of WizTree and into Windows Explorer windows to copy/move them. Hold the Ctrl key while dragging to copy the file; otherwise, it will be moved. Dragging will only work when initiated from the file name column. Dragging in other columns will select all files in the selection rectangle.
    “Copy” (Ctrl+C) and “Cut” (Ctrl+X) menu items have been added to the File menu. The shortcut for copying the path has been changed from Ctrl+C to Ctrl+Alt+C.
  • The “Copy Path” function will no longer include a trailing carriage return if only one item is selected, improving usability.
  • The drive name is now displayed in the tree view and Treemap, enhancing clarity.
  • Menu accelerator keys now function correctly in dark mode.
  • A new command line parameter has been added to select size or allocated space for Treemap image export. The default is size.

WizTree 4.08 (14 February 2022)

  • A new “Filter Scan Results” option has been added, allowing users to filter entire scan results using a user-defined filter.
  • The filter can be toggled on or off by clicking on the filter icon under the Scan button, selecting Options->Filter Scan Results, or pressing Ctrl+Shift+F.
  • The “Include Filter” includes only matching files in the results, while the “Exclude Filter” excludes any matching files from the results.
  • Users can click on the “Apply Filter” button (or press Enter after making a filter change) to apply any filter changes made. Files are matched using the entire file path and file name. The filters support all standard file search functionality, such as wildcards, file size, and file date.
    For example, to filter only files of type mp3 or wav, larger than 5MB, excluding anything in the C:\Windows folder, you would enter:
    Include Filter: .mp3|.wav >5m
    Exclude Filter: C:\Windows\
  • Fixed an issue where wildcard search for file extensions was not working correctly when the “match entire path” option was used. For example, searching for *.c would include files including “.c” anywhere in the file name, which would include *.cpp or *.c.bak files too.
  • The Total space, space used, and space free display fields have been widened to correctly display very large TB drive values when displaying as Bytes.
  • Fixed an issue where the window position was not being restored to the correct position if the Windows taskbar was not positioned at the bottom of the screen.
  • Resolved some dark mode display issues on older versions of Windows (2003, XP) for improved visual consistency.

WizTree 4.07 (6 December 2021)

  • File name search will now ignore character accents (like é and ö) when searching. For example, searching for “melee” will correctly match file names containing “mêlée” or “MÊLÉE”.
  • WizTree now correctly handles MTP/PTP devices that do not provide a “friendly name”, ensuring smooth functionality.
  • Resolved an issue where MFT dump would fail on Windows XP, ensuring compatibility with older systems.
  • Removable USB devices formatted with NTFS will now be detected for high-speed scanning and allow MFT dump, addressing a previous limitation.
  • WizTree now checks if Windows Imaging Component is installed before starting up. This component is required for Windows 2003 and possibly some versions of XP.

WizTree 4.06 (19 November 2021)

  • File size information will now also be displayed on the Treemap if the “show files and names in Treemap” option is enabled, enhancing data visibility.
  • WizTree will now function correctly on older versions of Windows like Windows XP, addressing previous incorrect fixes implemented in version 4.05.
  • The Treemap image can now be exported via the command line using the following parameters:
  • Set image file name (use %d and %t for current date and time in the file name): /treemapimagefile=<png image file name>
  • Set image width (default is 1920 if omitted): /treemapimagewidth=<image width (numeric)>
  • Set image height (default is 1080 if omitted): /treemapimageheight=<image height (numeric)>
  • Export image in grayscale. Defaults to 0 if omitted: /treemapimagegray=0|1
  • Show free space on Treemap. Defaults to 1 if omitted: /treemapimagefreespace=0|1
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